
Week 26- 6 Month Milestone

Gas to Lowes: $4.65
Plumbing parts: 30.00
detergent: 3.50
HD plumbing reference book: 19.95
functioning Dishwasher: Priceless

After a week's worth of struggling and mopping up water off the floor, Saturday brought 3 trips to Lowes and a working dishwasher. Each attempt to hook up the dishwasher prompted a new means and methods applied to the number of parts involved and the amount of water left on the floor. We were finally left with one braided stainless steel bendable water supply line and not a drop of water. Since then about 6 loads of dishes have made it successfully through the dishwasher.

This week also brought the first test of actually using a kitchen as a kitchen, for making food. A total of 3 cakes, 1 crock-pot of mac n cheese, 1 Veggie Pizza and 1 batch of corn dogs were all made using all the modern marvels of hot water, functioning stove, microwave and counters. A marathon cake making and decorating session was completed on the new spacious work station, under adequate foot candles at the wee hours of the morning for Moira's First birthday party on Sunday afternoon. (Still note
the Minwax next to the pink sugar, almost an entirely remodel free zone)

This afternoon we also added another modern marvel to the addition of the kitchen, a tv. So now we will have the complete "Yuppie Kitchen" as one of my co-workers (Steve M.) pointed out. This is my belated birthday present from Joe, and I can't wait for installation this weekend. The sounds of a TV will be much better company late at night cake making marathons than snoring Joes and kitties.

Upcoming is the remainder of the trim work. Another visit from the foreman and family. We are on target for Party time Nov. 11th!


At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know Chernobyl produced cakes for export.


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